My Dearest Baby Will,
On the eve of your first birthday, there is so much that I want to say to you.
Looking back over the course of the past year, it amazes me to see how much you have changed. From that tiny little baby that was first placed in my arms, to the squirming toddler that now barely sits still in them, you have grown into such a little person. And though there have definitely been challenging moments of sleepless nights, first tantrums, and occasions when I feared I was failing you, I have loved every single second of you.
Each stage of your life so far has brought us so much joy. When you were a newborn, and nestled so sweetly in my arms, I thought, "It can't get better than this."
And then it did.
When you were six weeks old and gave me your first smile, I thought, "It can't get better than this."
And then it did.
When you were three months old and started laughing your deep, baby laughs, I thought, "It can't get better than this."
And then it did.
When you were six months old and started eating solids with great zeal and taking two naps a day, I thought, "It can't get better than this."
And then it did.
When you were nine months old and saying Dada and smiling your outrageous toothy grin, I thought, "It can't get better than this."
And then it did.
Now, I cannot imagine that life with you could be any better or any sweeter. You fill each day of my life with your smiles and laughter, each moment of my life with greater meaning than I ever thought possible. I am so proud of the little boy you are becoming. You have the biggest heart, the sweetest little soul, and the kindest spirit. Yet you have determination, know what you want, and aren't afraid to let us know about it!
I know so many things will change. I am wistful to leave behind your babyhood and yet so excited to see you continue to grow into a toddler. There are so many wonderful things in store for us as a family and for you. I really don't think it can get any better than this.
But I know it will.
Happy, Happy Birthday, my Little Monkey. May all your dreams come true.
Love always,
Geeeeeeesh do I have the best daughter in law in the whole wide world or what??? What a beautiful letter to Will from his mommy. All the letters you write on here are great, but this one really got to me. On this day (tomorrow) I would like to thank you Katie, for helping to give me such a wonderful gift of becoming a grandma. Will is the best thing to come in to my life in a very long time. I know that you already know this, but you are the best mom ever. ( to this day I get emotional when Michael and Lisa have a birthday, because I am their mom and I recall so many beautiful memories throughout their lives)
Anyway...........Happy ONE YEAR Birthday little pumpkin. I love you with all of my heart and look forward to watching you grow. xoxo Grandma Jan
Ok!!! I think I just used the box of tissue up : ) Katie, I just wanted to tell you that not only is Will and Michael so lucky to have such an amazing mommy and wife but we to are so blessed to have you in our lives as well. You and Michael have brought so much to us by bring this special buddle of joy to all of us.
Happy Birthday William Patrick Henry!! Sweet Pea
Auntie loves you!!!
Happy Birthday Will! Tell your mommy that I miss her and that the letter she wrote you was one of the sweetest things I have ever read. I can't believe I let so much time go by and I haven't seen you or your mommy again...Anyway tell her I am thinking about her and I hope we can get together soon...Happy birthday again little man! -Lynette
Hi Buddy!
I'm Sorry for the late posting. Things have been busy and I didn't want to rush this.
I just want to tell you how proud I am of you and all that you have learned in your first year. Every time I look at you I can't help to think of how blessed we are to have you.
As Mommy will attest life was not nearly as fulfilling before your arrival. Yes, we both had great jobs, went on nice vacations, and went to dinner at a lot of good restaurants. Something always seemed to be missing though. I guess it was a lack of purpose.
That all changed when we found out we were pregnant with you. Suddenly we had a purpose in life that was bigger than each of us individually and bigger than us as a married couple. Each week we got to watch you grow and grow in your ultrasound images. Though those Dr. visits were often scary and stressful, it only took seeing a brief glimpse of you on a monitor to wash away the stress (at least for a few hours). This worry for your safety and well-being continued all the way through your birth and still continues today. This concern makes me double check to make sure that your car-seat safety harness is secure and that your car door is locked before I go around to my side of the car. This concern motivates me to make sure that our home is locked up properly before I leave for work or go to bed at night. This concern for your well-being inspires me to work long hours at a job that isn't always the most enjoyable. Why? Because I have a purpose now which is bigger than my own needs. My purpose is to make sure that you (and your Mommy) are safe, that you are provided for, and that you can continue to stay home with your Mommy every day.
Though I am a little sad that you are no longer officially a baby, I am also excited to see what the next year brings. I look forward to when you finally say “Mama”, when you walk, and when you learn to speak in sentences. Most of all I look forward to just being your Daddy.
Happy Birthday Son!
I love you!
Wow, I just finished reading the one year post to Will from his daddy. I had not gone back to this section until now. Michael, as proud as you are to be a daddy I feel so much of the same for you. I marvel at the sight of you (my baby) holding and caring for your baby. It just makes my heart swell to see what you have become. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift in this precious little boy. I love you all. Mom and grandma
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