Emma's Birthday

Friday, February 27, 2009

Yum-Yum, Mum-Mums

Will has a new love.

The first time he had a Mum-Mum is when his Grandma Jane and Grandpa Bob came to stay. Grandma Jane said he needed to try finger foods, so off we went to Safeway, where we came upon these amazing treats.

Have I been replaced as his favorite food source?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Six Months

Dearest Will,

In honor of your sixth month birthday, I will list just six of my favorite things about you. I could do sixty or six hundred or six million, but people would probably make fun of me . . . and I don't have that much time until you wake up from your next nap!

1. I love the fact that you are such a smiley and happy baby most of the time. People come up to me when we are out and about and compliment me on my "happy little one."

2. I love how much you love to eat. There hasn't been a food yet that you have turned your nose up at. . . Well, you weren't so fond of prune juice at first, but you have even learned to like that!

3. I love that you sleep through the night and take regular naps in your crib.

4. I love that you give me Wisses - your own brand of Will-Kisses. Right before a nap, you will grab my face with your hands and kiss, kiss, kiss away. You even make little meh-meh sounds, which echo the muwah-muwah sounds I make when I kiss you.

5. I love that you are happy to sit in your travel swing and patiently wait while I shower and get ready for the day. A lot of mommies are not so lucky.

6. I love the little person that you are and watching you grow, learn, and change every day is so special and makes life so much more fun.

I love you with all of my heart, Monkey. Thank you for being such a wonderful little boy.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Sorry it's been awhile since my last post, but I've been so busy growing and learning new things every day that Mommy doesn't have as much time to play on the computer. I am keeping her pretty busy!

First off, we had a big week last week when Mommy blew up our oven. There were sparks and everything. We had to go to Lowe's and Home Depot to find new appliances. We shopped for a long time and I was getting tired of my seat, so Mommy let me sit in the cart for the first time with out it. . .

This was the first of many more "firsts." Next, I decided that it was time to start holding my own bottle. Mommy started giving me something called pear juice, which I really like, and I tend to get a little grumpy if they take it away before I am finished. So, I take matters into my own hands. . .I am pretty good at it. I can still smile for the camera while I am drinking. . .

I also decided that sitting in the grocery cart by myself was such fun that it was time to learn to sit on the floor, too.

At first, I still needed Daddy's help. . .
But soon, I was all on my own, playing with the toy that Daddy bought for me!

As you can see, I have been very busy. I miss all of you and can't wait to show you my new tricks! I do love visitors . . . recently, my Auntie Amanda came to visit. We had a lot of fun together. Here is a picture of me with one of my favorite people, wearing one of Mommy's favorite outfits from Aunt Amanda!

I am looking forward to more visitors, so please come and visit me soon!
